Looking to learn how to master any challenge thrown your way?

World Champion and doctor Jana Pittman isn't just a gold medallist; she's a master of overcoming challenges. Join her in this interactive keynote packed with practical tools and strategies. Learn how Jana tackled setbacks, maximised her potential, and achieved peak performance. Explore goal-setting techniques, methods for building resilience, and tips for staying motivated. Whether you're facing personal goals or professional hurdles, Jana's insights and wit will equip you with the "tricks & tips" to conquer any challenge and rise to the top.

Jana's keynote "Rising to the Challenge: Tricks & Tips" empowers audiences to adopt a proactive approach to challenges, equipping them with practical skills and a resilient mindset to thrive in dynamic environments.

    • Techniques for building resilience and maintaining motivation in the face of adversity.

    • Strategies for staying focused and productive under pressure.

    • How to turn setbacks into stepping stones for personal and professional growth.

    • The importance of mindset and positive thinking in achieving goals.

    • Practical tips for navigating challenges and achieving success.

    • A deeper understanding of their own resilience and capabilities.

    • Practical tools and strategies to apply when facing challenges in their personal and professional lives.

    • Inspiration and motivation to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

    • Increased confidence in navigating obstacles and setbacks.

    • Insights into maintaining focus and motivation to achieve their goals.