Feeling lost?

Lacking motivation?

World Champion and doctor Jana Pittman shows you how to unlock your inner fire in this inspiring keynote. Explore the power of "Why" - the driving force behind your goals and dreams. Jana shares her own journey, from overcoming setbacks to achieving athletic excellence. Through practical tips and personal anecdotes, she'll guide you to discover what truly motivates you. Learn to tap into your passions, build unwavering purpose, and ignite the spark that will propel you towards your personal best.

Jana's keynote "Finding Your Inspiration: Your Why" not only guides audiences through a journey of self-discovery but also equips them with practical insights and tools to infuse their lives with purpose and drive.

    • The importance of understanding and defining personal purpose and motivation.

    • Techniques and exercises to uncover their own "why" or deeper reasons behind their goals.

    • Insights from Jana's experiences as an elite athlete and medical professional.

    • How to harness clarity of purpose to drive passion, persistence, and achievement.

    • Practical strategies for aligning personal goals with deeper motivations to foster fulfilment and success.

    • Practical tools and methods to explore and define their own "why."

    • Inspiration and motivation to pursue goals with renewed passion and determination.

    • Clarity on how to integrate personal values and motivations into their everyday lives and long-term aspirations.